Source code for aio_pika.connection

import asyncio
from ssl import SSLContext
from types import TracebackType
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union

from pamqp.common import FieldTable
from yarl import URL

from .abc import (
    AbstractChannel, AbstractConnection, SSLOptions, TimeoutType,
from .channel import Channel
from .exceptions import ConnectionClosed
from .log import get_logger
from .tools import CallbackCollection

log = get_logger(__name__)
T = TypeVar("T")

[docs]class Connection(AbstractConnection): """ Connection abstraction """ CHANNEL_CLASS: Type[Channel] = Channel KWARGS_TYPES: Tuple[Tuple[str, Callable[[str], Any], str], ...] = () _closed: bool @property def is_closed(self) -> bool: return self._closed async def close( self, exc: Optional[] = ConnectionClosed, ) -> None: transport, self.transport = self.transport, None self._close_called = True if not transport: return await transport.close(exc) self._closed = True @classmethod def _parse_kwargs(cls, kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: result = {} for key, parser, default in cls.KWARGS_TYPES: result[key] = parser(kwargs.get(key, default)) return result def __init__( self, url: URL, loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None, ssl_context: Optional[SSLContext] = None, **kwargs: Any, ): self.loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop() self.transport = None self._closed = False self._close_called = False self.url = URL(url) self.kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = self._parse_kwargs( kwargs or dict(self.url.query), ) self.kwargs["context"] = ssl_context self.close_callbacks = CallbackCollection(self) self.connected: asyncio.Event = asyncio.Event() def __str__(self) -> str: url = self.url if url.password: url = url.with_password("******") return str(url) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'<{self.__class__.__name__}: "{self}">' async def _on_connection_close(self, closing: asyncio.Future) -> None: try: exc = closing.exception() except asyncio.CancelledError as e: exc = e self.connected.clear() await self.close_callbacks(exc) async def _on_connected(self) -> None: self.connected.set()
[docs] async def connect(self, timeout: TimeoutType = None) -> None: """ Connect to AMQP server. This method should be called after :func:`aio_pika.connection.Connection.__init__` .. note:: This method is called by :func:`connect`. You shouldn't call it explicitly. """ self.transport = await UnderlayConnection.connect( self.url, self._on_connection_close, timeout=timeout, **self.kwargs, ) await self._on_connected()
[docs] def channel( self, channel_number: Optional[int] = None, publisher_confirms: bool = True, on_return_raises: bool = False, ) -> AbstractChannel: """ Coroutine which returns new instance of :class:`Channel`. Example: .. code-block:: python import aio_pika async def main(loop): connection = await aio_pika.connect( "amqp://guest:guest@" ) channel1 = await channel1.close() # Creates channel with specific channel number channel42 = await channel42.close() # For working with transactions channel_no_confirms = await publisher_confirms=False ) await channel_no_confirms.close() Also available as an asynchronous context manager: .. code-block:: python import aio_pika async def main(loop): connection = await aio_pika.connect( "amqp://guest:guest@" ) async with as channel: # channel is open and available # channel is now closed :param channel_number: specify the channel number explicit :param publisher_confirms: if `True` the :func:`aio_pika.Exchange.publish` method will be return :class:`bool` after publish is complete. Otherwise the :func:`aio_pika.Exchange.publish` method will be return :class:`None` :param on_return_raises: raise an :class:`aio_pika.exceptions.DeliveryError` when mandatory message will be returned """ if not self.transport: raise RuntimeError("Connection was not opened") log.debug("Creating AMQP channel for connection: %r", self) channel = self.CHANNEL_CLASS( connection=self, channel_number=channel_number, publisher_confirms=publisher_confirms, on_return_raises=on_return_raises, ) log.debug("Channel created: %r", channel) return channel
async def ready(self) -> None: await self.connected.wait() def __del__(self) -> None: if ( self.is_closed or self.loop.is_closed() or not hasattr(self, "connection") ): return asyncio.ensure_future(self.close()) async def __aenter__(self) -> "Connection": return self async def __aexit__( self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], exc_val: Optional[BaseException], exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType], ) -> None: await self.close() async def update_secret( self, new_secret: str, *, reason: str = "", timeout: TimeoutType = None, ) -> aiormq.spec.Connection.UpdateSecretOk: if self.transport is None: raise RuntimeError("Connection is not ready") result = await self.transport.connection.update_secret( new_secret=new_secret, reason=reason, timeout=timeout, ) self.url = self.url.with_password(new_secret) return result
def make_url( url: Union[str, URL, None] = None, *, host: str = "localhost", port: int = 5672, login: str = "guest", password: str = "guest", virtualhost: str = "/", ssl: bool = False, ssl_options: Optional[SSLOptions] = None, client_properties: Optional[FieldTable] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> URL: if url is not None: if not isinstance(url, URL): return URL(url) return url kw = kwargs kw.update(ssl_options or {}) kw.update(client_properties or {}) # sanitize keywords kw = {k: v for k, v in kw.items() if v is not None} return scheme="amqps" if ssl else "amqp", host=host, port=port, user=login, password=password, # yarl >= 1.3.0 requires path beginning with slash path="/" + virtualhost, query=kw, )
[docs]async def connect( url: Union[str, URL, None] = None, *, host: str = "localhost", port: int = 5672, login: str = "guest", password: str = "guest", virtualhost: str = "/", ssl: bool = False, loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None, ssl_options: Optional[SSLOptions] = None, ssl_context: Optional[SSLContext] = None, timeout: TimeoutType = None, client_properties: Optional[FieldTable] = None, connection_class: Type[AbstractConnection] = Connection, **kwargs: Any, ) -> AbstractConnection: """ Make connection to the broker. Example: .. code-block:: python import aio_pika async def main(): connection = await aio_pika.connect( "amqp://guest:guest@" ) Connect to localhost with default credentials: .. code-block:: python import aio_pika async def main(): connection = await aio_pika.connect() .. note:: The available keys for ssl_options parameter are: * cert_reqs * certfile * keyfile * ssl_version For an information on what the ssl_options can be set to reference the `official Python documentation`_ . Set connection name for RabbitMQ admin panel: .. code-block:: python # As URL parameter method read_connection = await connect( "amqp://guest:guest@localhost/?name=Read%20connection" ) write_connection = await connect( client_properties={ 'connection_name': 'Write connection' } ) .. note: ``client_properties`` argument requires ``aiormq>=2.9`` URL string might be contain ssl parameters e.g. `amqps://user:pass@host//?ca_certs=ca.pem&certfile=crt.pem&keyfile=key.pem` :param client_properties: add custom client capability. :param url: RFC3986_ formatted broker address. When :class:`None` will be used keyword arguments. :param host: hostname of the broker :param port: broker port 5672 by default :param login: username string. `'guest'` by default. :param password: password string. `'guest'` by default. :param virtualhost: virtualhost parameter. `'/'` by default :param ssl: use SSL for connection. Should be used with addition kwargs. :param ssl_options: A dict of values for the SSL connection. :param timeout: connection timeout in seconds :param loop: Event loop (:func:`asyncio.get_event_loop()` when :class:`None`) :param ssl_context: ssl.SSLContext instance :param connection_class: Factory of a new connection :param kwargs: addition parameters which will be passed to the connection. :return: :class:`aio_pika.connection.Connection` .. _RFC3986: .. _official Python documentation: """ connection: AbstractConnection = connection_class( make_url( url, host=host, port=port, login=login, password=password, virtualhost=virtualhost, ssl=ssl, ssl_options=ssl_options, client_properties=client_properties, **kwargs, ), loop=loop, ssl_context=ssl_context, **kwargs, ) await connection.connect(timeout=timeout) return connection
__all__ = ("connect", "Connection", "make_url")