Source code for aio_pika.robust_connection

import asyncio
from logging import getLogger
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, Type, Union
from warnings import warn
from weakref import WeakSet

from aiormq.connection import parse_bool, parse_int
from pamqp.common import FieldTable
from yarl import URL

from .abc import (
    AbstractChannel, AbstractRobustChannel, AbstractRobustConnection,
from .connection import Connection, make_url
from .exceptions import CONNECTION_EXCEPTIONS
from .robust_channel import RobustChannel
from .tools import CallbackCollection, task

log = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class RobustConnection(Connection, AbstractRobustConnection): """ Robust connection """ CHANNEL_REOPEN_PAUSE = 1 CHANNEL_CLASS: Type[RobustChannel] = RobustChannel KWARGS_TYPES = ( ("reconnect_interval", parse_int, "5"), ("fail_fast", parse_bool, "1"), ) def __init__( self, url: URL, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop = None, **kwargs: Any ): super().__init__(url=url, loop=loop, **kwargs) self.connect_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {} self.reconnect_interval = self.kwargs["reconnect_interval"] self.fail_fast = self.kwargs["fail_fast"] self.__channels: WeakSet[AbstractChannel] = WeakSet() self._connect_lock = asyncio.Lock() self._is_closed_by_user = False self.reconnect_callbacks: CallbackCollection = CallbackCollection(self) @property def reconnecting(self) -> bool: return self._connect_lock.locked() def __repr__(self) -> str: return '<{0}: "{1}" {2} channels>'.format( self.__class__.__name__, str(self), len(self.__channels), ) def _on_connection_close( self, connection:, closing: asyncio.Future, ) -> None: if self.reconnecting: return self.connected.clear() del self.connection log.debug("Closing AMQP connection %r", connection) if self.closing.done(): return if connection.closing.exception() is None: self.closing.set_result(None) self.close_callbacks(None) return "Connection to %s closed. Reconnecting after %r seconds.", self, self.reconnect_interval, ) self.loop.call_later( self.reconnect_interval, self.reconnect, )
[docs] def add_reconnect_callback( self, callback: Callable[["RobustConnection"], None], weak: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Add callback which will be called after reconnect. :return: None """ warn( "This method will be removed from future release. " f"Use {self.__class__.__name__}.reconnect_callbacks.add instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) self.reconnect_callbacks.add(callback, weak=weak)
async def __cleanup_connection(self, exc: Optional[BaseException]) -> None: if not hasattr(self, "connection"): return await asyncio.gather( self.connection.close(exc), return_exceptions=True, ) del self.connection
[docs] async def connect( self, timeout: TimeoutType = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: if self.is_closed: raise RuntimeError("{!r} connection closed".format(self)) if kwargs: # Store connect kwargs for reconnects self.connect_kwargs = kwargs if self.reconnecting: raise RuntimeError( ( f"Connect method called but connection " f"{self!r} is reconnecting right now." ), self, ) async with self._connect_lock: while not self.closing.done(): try: await super().connect( timeout=timeout, **self.connect_kwargs ) for channel in self.__channels: await channel.reopen() self.fail_fast = False except CONNECTION_EXCEPTIONS as e: if self.fail_fast: raise await self.__cleanup_connection(e) log.warning( 'Connection attempt to "%s" failed: %s. ' "Reconnecting after %r seconds.", self, e, self.reconnect_interval, ) except asyncio.CancelledError as e: await self.__cleanup_connection(e) raise else: self.connected.set() return "Reconnect attempt failed %s. Retrying after %r seconds.", self, self.reconnect_interval, ) await asyncio.sleep(self.reconnect_interval)
@task async def reconnect(self) -> None: await self.connect() self.reconnect_callbacks(self)
[docs] def channel( self, channel_number: int = None, publisher_confirms: bool = True, on_return_raises: bool = False, ) -> AbstractRobustChannel: channel: AbstractRobustChannel = super().channel( channel_number=channel_number, publisher_confirms=publisher_confirms, on_return_raises=on_return_raises, ) # type: ignore self.__channels.add(channel) self.close_callbacks.add( lambda c, e: channel.close_callbacks(e), ) return channel
@property def is_closed(self) -> bool: """ Is this connection is closed """ return self._is_closed_by_user or super().is_closed async def close( self, exc: Optional[] = asyncio.CancelledError, ) -> None: if self.is_closed: return self._is_closed_by_user = True if not hasattr(self, "connection"): return result = await super().close(exc) self.close_callbacks(exc) return result
[docs]async def connect_robust( url: Union[str, URL] = None, *, host: str = "localhost", port: int = 5672, login: str = "guest", password: str = "guest", virtualhost: str = "/", ssl: bool = False, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop = None, ssl_options: dict = None, timeout: TimeoutType = None, client_properties: FieldTable = None, connection_class: Type[AbstractRobustConnection] = RobustConnection, **kwargs: Any ) -> AbstractRobustConnection: """ Make connection to the broker. Example: .. code-block:: python import aio_pika async def main(): connection = await aio_pika.connect( "amqp://guest:guest@" ) Connect to localhost with default credentials: .. code-block:: python import aio_pika async def main(): connection = await aio_pika.connect() .. note:: The available keys for ssl_options parameter are: * cert_reqs * certfile * keyfile * ssl_version For an information on what the ssl_options can be set to reference the `official Python documentation`_ . Set connection name for RabbitMQ admin panel: .. code-block:: python read_connection = await connect( client_properties={ 'connection_name': 'Read connection' } ) write_connection = await connect( client_properties={ 'connection_name': 'Write connection' } ) .. note: ``client_properties`` argument requires ``aiormq>=2.9`` URL string might be contain ssl parameters e.g. `amqps://user:pass@host//?ca_certs=ca.pem&certfile=crt.pem&keyfile=key.pem` :param client_properties: add custom client capability. :param url: RFC3986_ formatted broker address. When :class:`None` will be used keyword arguments. :param host: hostname of the broker :param port: broker port 5672 by default :param login: username string. `'guest'` by default. :param password: password string. `'guest'` by default. :param virtualhost: virtualhost parameter. `'/'` by default :param ssl: use SSL for connection. Should be used with addition kwargs. :param ssl_options: A dict of values for the SSL connection. :param timeout: connection timeout in seconds :param loop: Event loop (:func:`asyncio.get_event_loop()` when :class:`None`) :param connection_class: Factory of a new connection :param kwargs: addition parameters which will be passed to the connection. :return: :class:`aio_pika.connection.Connection` .. _RFC3986: .. _official Python documentation: """ connection: AbstractRobustConnection = connection_class( make_url( url, host=host, port=port, login=login, password=password, virtualhost=virtualhost, ssl=ssl, ssl_options=ssl_options, **kwargs ), loop=loop, ) await connection.connect( timeout=timeout, client_properties=client_properties, loop=loop, ) return connection
__all__ = ( "RobustConnection", "connect_robust", )