Source code for aio_pika.queue

import asyncio
from collections import namedtuple
from functools import partial
from logging import getLogger
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional

import aiormq
from aiormq.types import DeliveredMessage

from .exceptions import QueueEmpty
from .exchange import Exchange, ExchangeParamType
from .message import IncomingMessage
from .tools import create_task, shield

log = getLogger(__name__)

ConsumerTag = str
DeclarationResult = namedtuple(
    "DeclarationResult", ("message_count", "consumer_count"),

async def consumer(callback, msg: DeliveredMessage, *, no_ack, loop):
    message = IncomingMessage(msg, no_ack=no_ack)
    return await create_task(callback, message, loop=loop)

[docs]class Queue: """ AMQP queue abstraction """ def __init__( self, connection, channel: aiormq.Channel, name, durable, exclusive, auto_delete, arguments, passive: bool = False, ): self.loop = connection.loop self._channel = channel = name or "" self.durable = durable self.exclusive = exclusive self.auto_delete = auto_delete self.arguments = arguments self.passive = passive self.declaration_result = None # type: aiormq.spec.Queue.DeclareOk self._get_lock = asyncio.Lock() @property def channel(self) -> aiormq.Channel: if self._channel is None: raise RuntimeError("Channel not opened") return self._channel def __str__(self): return "%s" % def __repr__(self): return ( "<Queue(%s): " "auto_delete=%s, " "durable=%s, " "exclusive=%s, " "arguments=%r>" ) % ( self, self.auto_delete, self.durable, self.exclusive, self.arguments, )
[docs] async def declare( self, timeout: int = None ) -> aiormq.spec.Queue.DeclareOk: """ Declare queue. :param timeout: execution timeout :param passive: Only check to see if the queue exists. :return: :class:`None` """ log.debug("Declaring queue: %r", self) self.declaration_result = await asyncio.wait_for( self._channel.queue_declare(, durable=self.durable, exclusive=self.exclusive, auto_delete=self.auto_delete, arguments=self.arguments, passive=self.passive, ), timeout=timeout, ) # type: aiormq.spec.Queue.DeclareOk = self.declaration_result.queue return self.declaration_result
[docs] async def bind( self, exchange: ExchangeParamType, routing_key: str = None, *, arguments=None, timeout: int = None ) -> aiormq.spec.Queue.BindOk: """ A binding is a relationship between an exchange and a queue. This can be simply read as: the queue is interested in messages from this exchange. Bindings can take an extra routing_key parameter. To avoid the confusion with a basic_publish parameter we're going to call it a binding key. :param exchange: :class:`` instance :param routing_key: routing key :param arguments: additional arguments :param timeout: execution timeout :raises asyncio.TimeoutError: when the binding timeout period has elapsed. :return: :class:`None` """ if routing_key is None: routing_key = log.debug( "Binding queue %r: exchange=%r, routing_key=%r, arguments=%r", self, exchange, routing_key, arguments, ) return await asyncio.wait_for(, exchange=Exchange._get_exchange_name(exchange), routing_key=routing_key, arguments=arguments, ), timeout=timeout, )
[docs] async def unbind( self, exchange: ExchangeParamType, routing_key: str = None, arguments: dict = None, timeout: int = None, ) -> aiormq.spec.Queue.UnbindOk: """ Remove binding from exchange for this :class:`Queue` instance :param exchange: :class:`` instance :param routing_key: routing key :param arguments: additional arguments :param timeout: execution timeout :raises asyncio.TimeoutError: when the unbinding timeout period has elapsed. :return: :class:`None` """ if routing_key is None: routing_key = log.debug( "Unbinding queue %r: exchange=%r, routing_key=%r, arguments=%r", self, exchange, routing_key, arguments, ) return await asyncio.wait_for(, exchange=Exchange._get_exchange_name(exchange), routing_key=routing_key, arguments=arguments, ), timeout=timeout, )
[docs] async def consume( self, callback: Callable[[IncomingMessage], Any], no_ack: bool = False, exclusive: bool = False, arguments: dict = None, consumer_tag=None, timeout=None, ) -> ConsumerTag: """ Start to consuming the :class:`Queue`. :param timeout: :class:`asyncio.TimeoutError` will be raises when the Future was not finished after this time. :param callback: Consuming callback. Could be a coroutine. :param no_ack: if :class:`True` you don't need to call :func:`aio_pika.message.IncomingMessage.ack` :param exclusive: Makes this queue exclusive. Exclusive queues may only be accessed by the current connection, and are deleted when that connection closes. Passive declaration of an exclusive queue by other connections are not allowed. :param arguments: additional arguments :param consumer_tag: optional consumer tag :raises asyncio.TimeoutError: when the consuming timeout period has elapsed. :return str: consumer tag :class:`str` """ log.debug("Start to consuming queue: %r", self) return ( await asyncio.wait_for(, consumer_callback=partial( consumer, callback, no_ack=no_ack, loop=self.loop, ), exclusive=exclusive, no_ack=no_ack, arguments=arguments, consumer_tag=consumer_tag, ), timeout=timeout, ) ).consumer_tag
[docs] async def cancel( self, consumer_tag: ConsumerTag, timeout=None, nowait: bool = False ) -> aiormq.spec.Basic.CancelOk: """ This method cancels a consumer. This does not affect already delivered messages, but it does mean the server will not send any more messages for that consumer. The client may receive an arbitrary number of messages in between sending the cancel method and receiving the cancel-ok reply. It may also be sent from the server to the client in the event of the consumer being unexpectedly cancelled (i.e. cancelled for any reason other than the server receiving the corresponding basic.cancel from the client). This allows clients to be notified of the loss of consumers due to events such as queue deletion. :param consumer_tag: consumer tag returned by :func:`~aio_pika.Queue.consume` :param timeout: execution timeout :param bool nowait: Do not expect a Basic.CancelOk response :return: Basic.CancelOk when operation completed successfully """ return await asyncio.wait_for( consumer_tag=consumer_tag, nowait=nowait, ), timeout=timeout, )
[docs] async def get( self, *, no_ack=False, fail=True, timeout=5 ) -> Optional[IncomingMessage]: """ Get message from the queue. :param no_ack: if :class:`True` you don't need to call :func:`aio_pika.message.IncomingMessage.ack` :param timeout: execution timeout :param fail: Should return :class:`None` instead of raise an exception :class:`aio_pika.exceptions.QueueEmpty`. :return: :class:`aio_pika.message.IncomingMessage` """ msg = await asyncio.wait_for(, no_ack=no_ack), timeout=timeout, ) # type: Optional[DeliveredMessage] if msg is None: if fail: raise QueueEmpty return return IncomingMessage(msg, no_ack=no_ack)
[docs] async def purge( self, no_wait=False, timeout=None ) -> aiormq.spec.Queue.PurgeOk: """ Purge all messages from the queue. :param no_wait: no wait response :param timeout: execution timeout :return: :class:`None` """"Purging queue: %r", self) return await asyncio.wait_for(, nowait=no_wait), timeout=timeout, )
[docs] async def delete( self, *, if_unused=True, if_empty=True, timeout=None ) -> aiormq.spec.Queue.DeclareOk: """ Delete the queue. :param if_unused: Perform delete only when unused :param if_empty: Perform delete only when empty :param timeout: execution timeout :return: :class:`None` """"Deleting %r", self) return await asyncio.wait_for(, if_unused=if_unused, if_empty=if_empty, ), timeout=timeout, )
def __aiter__(self) -> "QueueIterator": return self.iterator()
[docs] def iterator(self, **kwargs) -> "QueueIterator": """ Returns an iterator for async for expression. Full example: .. code-block:: python import aio_pika async def main(): connection = await aio_pika.connect() async with connection: channel = await queue = await channel.declare_queue('test') async with queue.iterator() as q: async for message in q: print(message.body) When your program runs with run_forever the iterator will be closed in background. In this case the context processor for iterator might be skipped and the queue might be used in the "async for" expression directly. .. code-block:: python import aio_pika async def main(): connection = await aio_pika.connect() async with connection: channel = await queue = await channel.declare_queue('test') async for message in queue: print(message.body) :return: QueueIterator """ return QueueIterator(self, **kwargs)
class QueueIterator: @shield async def close(self): if not self._consumer_tag: return await self._amqp_queue.cancel(self._consumer_tag) self._consumer_tag = None def get_msg(): try: return self._queue.get_nowait() except asyncio.QueueEmpty: return # Reject all messages msg = get_msg() # type: IncomingMessage while msg and not await msg.reject(requeue=True) msg = get_msg() # type: IncomingMessage def __str__(self): return "queue[%s](...)" % def __init__(self, queue: Queue, **kwargs): self.loop = queue.loop self._amqp_queue = queue self._queue = asyncio.Queue() self._consumer_tag = None self._consume_kwargs = kwargs async def on_message(self, message: IncomingMessage): await self._queue.put(message) async def consume(self): self._consumer_tag = await self._amqp_queue.consume( self.on_message, **self._consume_kwargs ) def __aiter__(self): return self @shield async def __aenter__(self): if self._consumer_tag is None: await self.consume() return self async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): await self.close() async def __anext__(self) -> IncomingMessage: if not self._consumer_tag: await self.consume() try: return await self._queue.get() except asyncio.CancelledError: await self.close() raise __all__ = "Queue", "QueueIterator", "DeclarationResult", "ConsumerTag"