Source code for

import asyncio
from typing import Callable, Any, Union, Awaitable

from logging import getLogger
from types import FunctionType

from aio_pika.pika.spec import BasicProperties, Channel as PikaChannel
from . import exceptions
from .common import BaseChannel, FutureStore, ConfirmationTypes
from .exchange import Exchange, ExchangeType
from .message import IncomingMessage, ReturnedMessage
from .queue import Queue
from .transaction import Transaction

log = getLogger(__name__)

FunctionOrCoroutine = Union[
    Callable[[IncomingMessage], Any],

[docs]class Channel(BaseChannel): """ Channel abstraction """ QUEUE_CLASS = Queue EXCHANGE_CLASS = Exchange __slots__ = ('_connection', '__closing', '_confirmations', '_delivery_tag', 'loop', '_futures', '_channel', '_on_return_callbacks', 'default_exchange', '_write_lock', '_channel_number', '_publisher_confirms', '_on_return_raises') def __init__(self, connection, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, future_store: FutureStore, channel_number: int=None, publisher_confirms: bool=True, on_return_raises=False): """ :param connection: :class:`aio_pika.adapter.AsyncioConnection` instance :param loop: Event loop (:func:`asyncio.get_event_loop()` when :class:`None`) :param future_store: :class:`aio_pika.common.FutureStore` instance :param publisher_confirms: False if you don't need delivery confirmations (in pursuit of performance) """ super().__init__(loop, future_store.get_child()) self._channel = None # type: self._connection = connection self._confirmations = {} self._on_return_callbacks = [] self._delivery_tag = 0 self._write_lock = asyncio.Lock(loop=self.loop) self._channel_number = channel_number self._publisher_confirms = publisher_confirms if not publisher_confirms and on_return_raises: raise RuntimeError( 'on_return_raises must be uses with publisher confirms' ) self._on_return_raises = on_return_raises self.default_exchange = self.EXCHANGE_CLASS( self._channel, self._publish, '', ExchangeType.DIRECT, durable=None, auto_delete=None, internal=None, passive=None, arguments=None, loop=self.loop, future_store=self._futures.get_child(), ) @property def _channel_maker(self): return @property def number(self): return self._channel.channel_number def __str__(self): return "{0}".format( self.number if self._channel else "Not initialized channel" ) def __repr__(self): return '<%s "%s#%s">' % ( self.__class__.__name__, self._connection, self ) def __iter__(self): return (yield from self.__await__()) def __await__(self): yield from self.initialize().__await__() return self async def __aenter__(self): if not self._channel: await self.initialize() return self async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): await self.close() def _on_channel_close(self, channel: PikaChannel, code: int, reason): # We have to check if the channel has already been closed, as this # could have been done within `_publish` method if self.is_closed: return # In case of normal closing, closing code should be unaltered # (0 by default) # See: exc = exceptions.ChannelClosed(code, reason) if code == 0: self._closing.set_result(None) log_method = log.debug else: self._closing.set_exception(exc) log_method = log.error log_method("Channel %r closed: %d - %s", channel, code, reason) self._futures.reject_all(exc) return exc def _on_return(self, channel, message, properties, body): msg = ReturnedMessage( body=body, channel=channel, envelope=message, properties=properties, ) for callback in self._on_return_callbacks: self.loop.create_task(callback(msg)) def add_close_callback(self, callback: FunctionType) -> None: self._closing.add_done_callback(lambda r: callback(r)) def remove_close_callback(self, callback: FunctionType) -> None: self._closing.remove_done_callback(callback) @property async def closing(self): """ Return future which will be finished after channel close. """ return await self._closing def add_on_return_callback(self, callback: FunctionOrCoroutine) -> None: self._on_return_callbacks.append(asyncio.coroutine(callback)) async def _create_channel(self, timeout=None): future = self._create_future(timeout=timeout) self._channel_maker( future.set_result, channel_number=self._channel_number ) channel = await future # type: if self._publisher_confirms: channel.confirm_delivery(self._on_delivery_confirmation) if self._on_return_raises: channel.add_on_return_callback(self._on_return_delivery) channel.add_on_close_callback(self._on_channel_close) channel.add_on_return_callback(self._on_return) return channel async def initialize(self, timeout=None) -> None: async with self._write_lock: if self._closing.done(): raise RuntimeError("Can't initialize closed channel") self._channel = await self._create_channel(timeout) self._connection._on_channel_open(self) self._delivery_tag = 0 def _on_return_delivery(self, channel, method_frame, properties, body): f = self._confirmations.pop(int(properties.headers.get('delivery-tag'))) f.set_exception(exceptions.UnroutableError([body])) def _on_delivery_confirmation(self, method_frame): future = self._confirmations.pop( method_frame.method.delivery_tag, None ) if not future: "Unknown delivery tag %d for message confirmation \"%s\"", method_frame.method.delivery_tag, method_frame.method.NAME ) return try: confirmation_type = ConfirmationTypes( method_frame.method.NAME.split('.')[1].lower() ) if confirmation_type == ConfirmationTypes.ACK: future.set_result(True) elif confirmation_type == ConfirmationTypes.NACK: future.set_exception(exceptions.NackError(method_frame)) except ValueError: future.set_exception( RuntimeError('Unknown method frame', method_frame) ) except Exception as e: future.set_exception(e) @BaseChannel._ensure_channel_is_open async def declare_exchange(self, name: str, type: ExchangeType=ExchangeType.DIRECT, durable: bool=None, auto_delete: bool=False, internal: bool=False, passive: bool=False, arguments: dict=None, timeout: int=None) -> Exchange: async with self._write_lock: if auto_delete and durable is None: durable = False exchange = self.EXCHANGE_CLASS( self._channel, self._publish, name, type, durable=durable, auto_delete=auto_delete, internal=internal, passive=passive, arguments=arguments, loop=self.loop, future_store=self._futures.get_child(), ) await exchange.declare(timeout=timeout) log.debug("Exchange declared %r", exchange) return exchange @BaseChannel._ensure_channel_is_open async def _publish(self, queue_name, routing_key, body, properties: BasicProperties, mandatory, immediate): while self._connection.is_closed: log.debug( "Can't publish message because connection is inactive" ) await asyncio.sleep(1, loop=self.loop) async with self._write_lock: f = self._create_future() self._delivery_tag += 1 if self._on_return_raises: properties.headers = properties.headers or {} properties.headers['delivery-tag'] = str(self._delivery_tag) try: self._channel.basic_publish( queue_name, routing_key, body, properties, mandatory, immediate ) except (AttributeError, RuntimeError) as exc: log.exception( "Failed to send data to client " "(connection unexpectedly closed)" ) self._on_channel_close(self._channel, -1, exc) self._connection._connection.close( reply_code=500, reply_text="Incorrect state" ) else: if self._publisher_confirms: self._confirmations[self._delivery_tag] = f else: f.set_result(None) return await f
[docs] @BaseChannel._ensure_channel_is_open async def declare_queue(self, name: str=None, *, durable: bool=None, exclusive: bool=False, passive: bool=False, auto_delete: bool=False, arguments: dict=None, timeout: int=None) -> Queue: """ :param name: queue name :param durable: Durability (queue survive broker restart) :param exclusive: Makes this queue exclusive. Exclusive queues may only be accessed by the current connection, and are deleted when that connection closes. Passive declaration of an exclusive queue by other connections are not allowed. :param passive: Only check to see if the queue exists. :param auto_delete: Delete queue when channel will be closed. :param arguments: pika additional arguments :param timeout: execution timeout :return: :class:`aio_pika.queue.Queue` instance """ async with self._write_lock: if auto_delete and durable is None: durable = False queue = self.QUEUE_CLASS( self.loop, self._futures.get_child(), self._channel, name, durable, exclusive, auto_delete, arguments, passive=passive ) await queue.declare(timeout) return queue
async def close(self) -> None: if not self._channel: log.warning("Channel already closed") return async with self._write_lock: self._channel.close() await self.closing self._channel = None @BaseChannel._ensure_channel_is_open async def set_qos(self, prefetch_count: int=0, prefetch_size: int=0, all_channels=False, timeout: int=None): async with self._write_lock: f = self._create_future(timeout=timeout) self._channel.basic_qos( f.set_result, prefetch_count=prefetch_count, prefetch_size=prefetch_size, all_channels=all_channels ) return await f @BaseChannel._ensure_channel_is_open async def queue_delete(self, queue_name: str, timeout: int=None, if_unused: bool=False, if_empty: bool=False, nowait: bool=False): async with self._write_lock: f = self._create_future(timeout=timeout) self._channel.queue_delete( callback=f.set_result, queue=queue_name, if_unused=if_unused, if_empty=if_empty, nowait=nowait ) return await f @BaseChannel._ensure_channel_is_open async def exchange_delete(self, exchange_name: str, timeout: int=None, if_unused=False, nowait=False): async with self._write_lock: f = self._create_future(timeout=timeout) self._channel.exchange_delete( callback=f.set_result, exchange=exchange_name, if_unused=if_unused, nowait=nowait ) return await f def transaction(self) -> Transaction: if self._publisher_confirms: raise RuntimeError("Cannot create transaction when publisher " "confirms are enabled") tx = Transaction(self._channel, self._futures.get_child()) self.add_close_callback(tx.on_close_callback) tx.closing.add_done_callback( lambda _: self.remove_close_callback(tx.on_close_callback) ) return tx
__all__ = ('Channel',)