Source code for aio_pika.patterns.master

import asyncio
import logging

from functools import partial

from typing import Callable, Any, Generator
from import Channel
from aio_pika.queue import Queue
from aio_pika.message import IncomingMessage, Message, DeliveryMode, ReturnedMessage

from .base import Proxy, Base

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Worker: __slots__ = 'queue', 'consumer_tag', 'loop', def __init__(self, queue: Queue, consumer_tag: str, loop): self.queue = queue self.consumer_tag = consumer_tag self.loop = loop
[docs] def close(self) -> asyncio.Task: """ Cancel subscription to the channel :return: :class:`asyncio.Task` """ @asyncio.coroutine def closer(): yield from self.queue.cancel(self.consumer_tag) return self.loop.create_task(closer())
[docs]class Master(Base): __slots__ = 'channel', 'loop', 'proxy', CONTENT_TYPE = 'application/python-pickle' DELIVERY_MODE = DeliveryMode.PERSISTENT __doc__ = """ Implements Master/Worker pattern. Usage example: `` :: master = Master(channel) worker = await master.create_worker('test_worker', lambda x: print(x)) `` :: master = Master(channel) await master.proxy.test_worker('foo') """ def __init__(self, channel: Channel): """ Creates a new :class:`Master` instance. :param channel: Initialized instance of :class:`aio_pika.Channel` """ = channel # type: Channel self.loop = # type: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop self.proxy = Proxy(self.create_task) def on_message_returned(self, message: ReturnedMessage): log.warning( "Message returned. Probably destination queue does not exists: %r", message )
[docs] def serialize(self, data: Any) -> bytes: """ Serialize data to the bytes. Uses `pickle` by default. You should overlap this method when you want to change serializer :param data: Data which will be serialized :returns: bytes """ return super().serialize(data)
[docs] def deserialize(self, data: Any) -> bytes: """ Deserialize data from bytes. Uses `pickle` by default. You should overlap this method when you want to change serializer :param data: Data which will be deserialized :returns: :class:`Any` """ return super().deserialize(data)
@classmethod @asyncio.coroutine def execute(cls, func, kwargs): kwargs = kwargs or {} result = yield from func(**kwargs) return result @asyncio.coroutine def on_message(self, func, message: IncomingMessage): with message.process(requeue=True, ignore_processed=True): data = self.deserialize(message.body) yield from self.execute(func, data)
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def create_worker(self, channel_name: str, func: Callable, **kwargs) -> Generator[Any, None, Worker]: """ Creates a new :class:`Worker` instance. """ queue = yield from, **kwargs) if hasattr(func, "_is_coroutine"): fn = func else: fn = asyncio.coroutine(func) consumer_tag = yield from queue.consume( partial( self.on_message, fn ) ) return Worker(queue, consumer_tag, self.loop)
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def create_task(self, channel_name: str, kwargs=None, **message_kwargs): """ Creates a new task for the worker """ message = Message( body=self.serialize(kwargs or {}), content_type=self.CONTENT_TYPE, delivery_mode=self.DELIVERY_MODE, **message_kwargs ) yield from message, channel_name, mandatory=True )