Source code for aio_pika.connection

import asyncio
import logging
from contextlib import suppress
from functools import wraps, partial
from typing import Callable, Any, Generator

from pika import ConnectionParameters
from pika.credentials import ExternalCredentials, PlainCredentials
from pika.spec import REPLY_SUCCESS
from yarl import URL
from . import exceptions
from .channel import Channel
from .common import FutureStore
from .tools import create_future
from .adapter import AsyncioConnection

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _ensure_connection(func):
    def wrap(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.is_closed:
            raise RuntimeError("Connection closed")

        return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
    return wrap

[docs]class Connection: """ Connection abstraction """ __slots__ = ( 'loop', '__closing', '_connection', 'future_store', '__sender_lock', '_io_loop', '__connection_parameters', '__credentials', '__write_lock', '_channels', ) CHANNEL_CLASS = Channel def __init__(self, host: str = 'localhost', port: int = 5672, login: str = 'guest', password: str = 'guest', virtual_host: str = '/', ssl: bool = False, *, loop=None, **kwargs): self.loop = loop if loop else asyncio.get_event_loop() self.future_store = FutureStore(loop=self.loop) self.__credentials = PlainCredentials(login, password) if login else ExternalCredentials() self.__connection_parameters = ConnectionParameters( host=host, port=port, credentials=self.__credentials, virtual_host=virtual_host, ssl=ssl, **kwargs ) self._channels = dict() self._connection = None self.__closing = None self.__write_lock = asyncio.Lock(loop=self.loop) def __str__(self): return 'amqp://{credentials}{host}:{port}/{vhost}'.format( credentials="{0.username}:********@".format(self.__credentials) if isinstance( self.__credentials, PlainCredentials) else '',, port=self.__connection_parameters.port, vhost=self.__connection_parameters.virtual_host, ) def __repr__(self): cls_name = self.__class__.__name__ return '<{0}: "{1}">'.format(cls_name, str(self))
[docs] def add_close_callback(self, callback: Callable[[], None]): """ Add callback which will be called after connection will be closed. :class:`asyncio.Future` will be passed as a first argument. Example: .. code-block:: python import aio_pika async def main(): connection = await aio_pika.connect( "amqp://guest:guest@" ) connection.add_close_callback(print) await connection.close() # <Future finished result='Normal shutdown'> :return: None """ self._closing.add_done_callback(callback)
@property def is_closed(self): """ Is this connection are closed """ if not (self._connection and self._connection.socket): return True if self._closing.done(): return True return False @property def _closing(self): self._create_closing_future() return self.__closing def _create_closing_future(self, force=False): if self.__closing is None or force: self.__closing = self.future_store.create_future() @property @asyncio.coroutine def closing(self): """ Return coroutine which will be finished after connection close. Example: .. code-block:: python import aio_pika async def async_close(connection): await asyncio.sleep(2) await connection.close() async def main(loop): connection = await aio_pika.connect( "amqp://guest:guest@" ) loop.create_task(async_close(connection)) await connection.closing """ return (yield from self._closing) def _channel_cleanup(self, channel: ch = self._channels.pop(channel.channel_number) # type: Channel ch._futures.reject_all(exceptions.ChannelClosed) def _on_connection_refused(self, future: asyncio.Future, connection: AsyncioConnection, message: str): self._on_connection_lost(future, connection, code=500, reason=ConnectionRefusedError(message)) def _on_connection_lost(self, future: asyncio.Future, connection: AsyncioConnection, code, reason): if self.__closing and self.__closing.done(): return if code == REPLY_SUCCESS: return self.__closing.set_result(reason) if isinstance(reason, Exception): exc = reason else: exc = ConnectionError(reason, code) self.future_store.reject_all(exc) if future.done(): return future.set_exception(exc)
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def connect(self) -> AsyncioConnection: """ Connect to AMQP server. This method should be called after :func:`aio_pika.connection.Connection.__init__` .. note:: This method is called by :func:`connect`. You shouldn't call it explicitly. """ if self.__closing and self.__closing.done(): raise RuntimeError("Invalid connection state") with (yield from self.__write_lock): self._connection = None log.debug("Creating a new AMQP connection: %s", self) f = create_future(loop=self.loop) connection = AsyncioConnection( parameters=self.__connection_parameters, loop=self.loop, on_open_callback=f.set_result, on_close_callback=partial(self._on_connection_lost, f), on_open_error_callback=partial(self._on_connection_refused, f), ) connection.channel_cleanup_callback = self._channel_cleanup result = yield from f log.debug("Connection ready: %r", self) self._connection = connection return result
[docs] @_ensure_connection @asyncio.coroutine def channel(self, channel_number: int=None, publisher_confirms: bool=True, on_return_raises=False) -> Generator[Any, None, Channel]: """ Coroutine which returns new instance of :class:`Channel`. Example: .. code-block:: python import aio_pika async def main(loop): connection = await aio_pika.connect( "amqp://guest:guest@" ) channel1 = await channel1.close() # Creates channel with specific channel number channel42 = await channel42.close() # For working with transactions channel_no_confirms = await channel_no_confirms.close() :param channel_number: specify the channel number explicit :param publisher_confirms: if `True` the :method:`aio_pika.Exchange.publish` method will be return :class:`bool` after publish is complete. Otherwise the :method:`aio_pika.Exchange.publish` method will be return :class:`None` :param on_return_raises: raise an :class:`aio_pika.exceptions.UnroutableError` when mandatory message will be returned """ with (yield from self.__write_lock): log.debug("Creating AMQP channel for conneciton: %r", self) channel = self.CHANNEL_CLASS(self, self.loop, self.future_store, channel_number=channel_number, publisher_confirms=publisher_confirms, on_return_raises=on_return_raises) yield from channel.initialize() log.debug("Channel created: %r", channel) self._channels[channel.number] = channel return channel
[docs] def close(self) -> asyncio.Task: """ Close AMQP connection """ log.debug("Closing AMQP connection") @asyncio.coroutine def inner(): if self._connection: self._connection.close() yield from self.closing return self.loop.create_task(inner())
def __del__(self): with suppress(Exception): if not self.is_closed: self.close() @asyncio.coroutine def __aenter__(self) -> 'Connection': return self @asyncio.coroutine def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): for channel in tuple(self._channels.values()): yield from channel.close() yield from self.close()
[docs]@asyncio.coroutine def connect(url: str=None, *, host: str='localhost', port: int=5672, login: str='guest', password: str='guest', virtualhost: str='/', ssl: bool=False, loop=None, connection_class=Connection, **kwargs) -> Generator[Any, None, Connection]: """ Make connection to the broker Example: .. code-block:: python import aio_pika async def main(): connection = await aio_pika.connect( "amqp://guest:guest@" ) Connect to localhost with default credentials: .. code-block:: python import aio_pika async def main(): connection = await aio_pika.connect() :param url: `RFC3986`_ formatted broker address. When :class:`None` will be used keyword arguments. :param host: hostname of the broker :param port: broker port 5672 by default :param login: username string. `'guest'` by default. Provide empty string for pika.credentials.ExternalCredentials usage. :param password: password string. `'guest'` by default. :param virtualhost: virtualhost parameter. `'/'` by default :param ssl: use SSL for connection. Should be used with addition kwargs. See `pika documentation`_ for more info. :param loop: Event loop (:func:`asyncio.get_event_loop()` when :class:`None`) :param connection_class: Factory of a new connection :param kwargs: addition parameters which will be passed to the pika connection. :return: :class:`aio_pika.connection.Connection` .. _RFC3986: .. _pika documentation: """ if url: url = URL(str(url)) host = or host port = url.port or port login = url.user or login password = url.password or password virtualhost = url.path[1:] if len(url.path) > 1 else virtualhost connection = connection_class( host=host, port=port, login=login, password=password, virtual_host=virtualhost, ssl=ssl, loop=loop, **kwargs ) yield from connection.connect() return connection
__all__ = ('connect', 'Connection')